Baptism Class
Baptism Date
January 14
Jan. 20
February 11
Feb. 17
No March
No March
April 8
April 21
May 6
May 12
June 10
June 16
July 8
July 14
August 12
August 18
September 9
Sept. 15
October 7
Oct. 13
November 11
Nov. 17
December 9
Dec. 15
What do I need to do to Baptize my Baby?
A. Choose Godparents for your child
When choosing godparents, please keep in mind the following requirements:
· There is to be only one male sponsor or one female sponsor or one of each.
· A godparent must be at least 16 years old.
· A godparent must be a Catholic who has received the sacrament of Confirmation and the most holy sacrament of the Eucharist.
· If the godparent is married, he/she must be married through the Catholic Church.
· The godparents cannot be the father or mother of the child to be baptized.
· A baptized person who belongs to a con-Catholic ecclesial community is not to participate except together with a Catholic sponsor and then only as a witness of the baptism.
B. Registration Process
· A parent of the child to be baptized must come to the Church Office to register for the Baptism.
· Make sure to bring your child’s state-issued birth certificate with you, not the certificate given by the hospital. (The information on the baptismal certificate must match that of the birth certificate exactly.)
· If you live outside of our parish community, you will need to request a letter of permission from your parish allowing you to baptize outside of your parish community.
· You must also bring the complete names, phone numbers, Confirmation information and Catholic Marriage Certificate (if applicable) for your child’s godparents.
C. Baptismal Preparation Class
· Both Parents and Godparents must attend a Baptismal Preparation Class.
· The 2 hour class is held every 2nd Monday of each month in School Room #3 from 7-9pm
· We ask that you please not bring children to this class.
· If the Godparents live out of town they may attend baptism instruction in their home parish. They must provide us with a letter/certificate from their parish stating that they have completed the required instruction.
· Please note: Parents and Godparents must complete the class prior to the day of Baptism. We reserve the right to postpone or cancel your Baptism if anything is left incomplete.
D. What is the fee for Baptism?
A $10 registration fee is required when registering your child for Baptism.